Monday, February 7, 2011

Pillow Making Day :)

So yesterday, whilst watching the Super Bowl for the commercials, I decided to multi-task and sew up some of the material I've been saving/hoarding into some Valentine's Day pillow fun- some for me, and some to give away. I was a little disappointed with the ones on the far right- spent time carefully tearing and weaving strips into a heart shape....but they don't look very heart-shapey on the finished pillow. Oh well- I love the colors anyway! And can I just say I'm a little sad that the National Anthem got goofed up? It always gives me goosebumps and makes me have *proud happy tears* when I hear it - but- chances are if I were attempting to sing it in front of a bazillion people...I would have fainted on the spot. One things's for sure- I'll bet Christina gets it right next time! Time to practice a little of the grace we've been given, eh? ><>

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thanks for leaving some joy :)