I have two extremely gifted friends in my stamping circle 'support group' that I owe a huge debt of grattitude to: Miss Dina for the beautiful new lighthouse image ( which is above & beyond what I had hoped for- plus her artwork is so much lovelier to look at than mine...one of her gifts....) and my amazing 'webmasterette'- (as I call her) Cyndy, without whom I would be lost in cyberland in the fetal position somewhere....and here's how you can tell that html is HER gift; she says it's FUN FOR HER !!!! Bless her heart she has tried over and over again to teach me what I need to know to update my own website, and I swear it just goes in one ear and out the other without so much as a 'howdoyoudo'....so she patiently and graciously does it for me. What a huge blessing both of these women have been to me over the past year. Here's a hug ladies :)
This is the new lighthouse stamp Dina designed for Heart & Soul- I just love it! I was looking for a 'wreath' button in my box but of course all I could find was a 'holly' one, which is ok but not what I was shooting for. I drew little beams of light with a glitter gel pen ( I love those things too :) Pretty simple stuff....
Wow! The lighthouse image is amazing! And I LOVE what you did with it! Dina is such an awesome artist - I want to be her when I grow up! hee hee Thanks for sharing this Sue!