So today I spent the day quad riding with my hubby- something we hadn't done in a long long time due to life, home building, job, etc....and it was a beautiful day in God's awesome creation. We were high enough up in the hills that we could see the snow covered peaks of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Baker, Mt. Hood, and Mt. Jefferson. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest all of my life, and I NEVER get tired of looking at the mountains. God really didn't have to make everything so beautiful- I think He did it just to make us happy :) So thank you again, Lord, for the beautiful day, travelling mercies, the wonder of your Creation, and the eyes to see it all with ( plus the sense to know that it came from You! ) God is good...all the time.....
I hope one day to see the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Until then, I can see the beauty of God's creation even in the "boring" Midwest. In the cornfields, the minute little bugs, the wild flowers and even the weeds in the yards and fields around me. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!